gamla bokfavoriter
The Game
Skriven av Neil Strauss.
I boken finner vi mycket relationer, sex och kärlek. Boken handlar i stort sätt om hur man raggar på tjejer. Tävlan mot varandra, intriger, svek och viljan att vara och lyckas bättre än andra. Den är ganska rolig och ärlig. Hur man kan förändra sin utstrålning och hur mycket är ett spel. Jag läste boken på engelska, då jag tycker texter oftast blir bättre då. En bok för alla kön!
Favoriter ur boken:
"If a woman has a boyfriend, your learn that you have a better chance of fucking her the night you meet that getting her to recall a phone call later. Women, you eventully realize, are just as bad as men - they are just better at hiding it."
"Always hated the idea that sex is something a woman gives and a man takes. It is something that should be shared."
"If you lower a woman´s self-esteem, she will seek validation from you. Of you make a woman jealous, she vill become more attracted to you. But beyond attraction and lust, there were deeper feelings that few of us felt and non of us had mastered."
"If there was anything I´d learned, it´s that the man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her an oppertunity to choose him."
"Being together has required a lot more time and work that learing to pick woman ever did, but it has brought me far greater satisfaction and joy. Perhaps that´s because it is not a game."